
Faxes are $1 per page , up to $5 total (cover page is free). Cash only. 

Prints are .10 cents/page for black & white, $1.00 per page for color copies.   Cash only.   

Prints can be sent using our mobile printing service or emailed to: for Color Prints for Black & Print Prints

Notary Services

  • All users must have a library card (if you don’t have one, we’ll help you fill out the information to receive one)
  • Materials must be returned through the WPL book return or upon arrangement with next scheduled pick-up.
  • You can request specific materials or let us select them for you from the library’s collection

Notary Services are available free of charge to all library card holders.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms are available for free for individual or community use, following the library policy.
Call us (620) 221-4470 to make a reservation or go online and reserve using your library card.

Home Delivery

Winfield Public Library offers free delivery of library materials to Winfield residents upon request.  This service can be requested when circumstances prevent you from visiting the library in person.  Such circumstances may include short- or long-term illness, age, physical disability, transportation restriction, or addition of a new baby.

To access this service, contact WPL at (620) 221-4470 and ask for “Delivery Services.”

  1. bring a driver’s license, passport, or other approved form of id
  2. call before coming to make sure one of notaries is available
  3. DO NOT sign documents before seeing the notary

Computer Checkout

Computers are available for use by cardholders 13 and over. You may use the computers 1 hour a day. Thirty minutes in additional time may be allowed if the computers are not in demand. Special arrangements may be made for test-taking by distance students. Computer reservations can be made in the library. Reservations will be held for 10 minutes. Chromebooks can now be checked out for in-library purposes only.


WIFI is available during regular library hours and can be accessed both inside WPL and from our parking lot and back patio. Ask for the password at the front desk