With our Interlibrary Loan service you have timely access to some 4,000,000 books, audiobooks, compact discs and DVD’s in over 300 Kansas public, academic and school libraries.
With your library card, you may place requests for materials found in the Kansas Library Catalog either at the Winfield Public Library or online from your home or office. We also search items nationwide.
We will notify you when your materials are ready to pick up, or if there are any problems with your request.
Please Remember
- Before submitting your request, please check our catalog to determine if we own it.
- All of your items are due back at this library by the date listed on the item.
- You are allowed up to four requests (including ILL titles for which we are searching and titles you already have checked out) on the system at any time.
- Please be aware that some libraries may not loan certain items.