Welcome to WPL’s 2024 Reading Challenge. We’re so happy you’re here!

Select any 12 books, audiobooks, or e-books that match the 12 challenge topics:

  • one word title
  • collection of short stories or essays
  • a book that intimidates you
  • best-seller in a genre you don’t usually read
  • autobiography or memoir
  • allows you to travel vicariously
  • adventure story
  • a book that makes you laugh
  • about a culture or topic that is unfamiliar to you
  • detective novel or true crime
  • written before you were born
  • by a KS author or set in KS


  • Read in any order you like!
  • Our Bookn’ with Friends and Youth book clubs will tackle the challenge topics in order; watch the online events calendar for meeting dates and book titles
  • Looking for book suggestions? Keep an eye on this page, our library displays, and our library catalog book lists for books that fit the current challenge topic


  • Track your titles by picking up a Reading Challenge card at the library
  • OR use our online tracking form


  • Once you’ve completed the challenge, fill out your tracking card and stop by the library to claim your 2024 Reading Challenge mug!

This month

Five titles to try for the "travel vicariously" reading challenge:

"The Lost Man" by Jane Harper; "Beautiful Ruins" by Jess Walter; "Tracks" by Robyn Davidson; "Darius the Great is Not Okay" by Adib Khorram; "City Spies" by James Ponti